It was a “Dark Knight”

Went to see the new Batman movie last week.  It was intense!  So intense that near the end of the movie some guy got carried out on a stretcher.  No kidding.  Now whether it was because of the movie or not, I don’t know.

Anyway, it was possibly the perfect Batman movie.  For nearly 20 years, Jack Nicholson was the definitive Joker.  Not anymore.  The late, lamented Heath Ledger has raised the bar to near unreachable heights with his interpretation.  He is so good in the role, I forgot all about Heath Ledger – I was watching the Joker.  I guess that’s the ultimate compliment one can give an actor.  And the part was well written.  The Dark Knight shows why the Joker is Batman’s greatest adversary and probably the greatest comic book villain of all.  The Joker has no superpowers, but still brings Gotham City to its knees and nearly makes Bruce Wayne hang up his Batman suit for good.

This is what a lot of the comic book/superhero movies have been lacking – a real villain.  Now maybe it’s not necessary for an origin story – the origin is the focus.  But certainly for the sequels, Lex Luthor needs to be more maniacal, the Abomination more abominable, Venom more venomous, that sort of thing.  Heroes need to be threatened, pushed to the edge, if not over it.  They need to hit bottom, find those inner reserves of strength and come roaring back – that’s what makes them heroes

Hopefully, The Dark Knight will set the standard….

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